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Bobcat S850 M8004 Error Code

M8004 Fault Code Meaning :

Cooling Fan Controller No Communication

M8004 Error Code

Cooling Fan Controller No Communication is the main cause of M8004 error.Particularly in colder temperatures, starter failure seems to be a problem that happens more and more. In order to determine future performance, during the beginning of the winter season, the starter mechanism should be reviewed. Clear signs of problems with a starter will likely be noticed by the operator first.

Bobcat S850 Photo

Tip For S850 Model

This machine is factory equipped with a spark arrester exhaust system.

The spark arrester muffler, if equipped, must be cleaned to keep it in working condition. The spark arrester muffler must be serviced by dumping the spark chamber every 100 hours of operation.

On some models, the turbocharger functions as the spark arrester and must operate correctly for proper spark arrester function.

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